Steve's Spices of Life

getting older is fun, actually

A friend from college came into town the other weekend to determine whether she’d attend a PhD program in the area. She said something which stood out to me:

“I’m at the age(25), where people around me are making choices: Where to live, where to work, who to be with… I feel there’s a lot of meaning to it.”

I think she’s right, there’s something quite beautiful about these potentially permanent choices we make, much in the same way there was a lot of beauty to the speculative dreaming we would do in college.

The most beautiful part of “adult life” — loosely defined as life after college — is how you can now relate to an infinitely larger amount of people in the world. One of my best friends in college told me that the best film directors tend to skew older because they know what it’s like to be all ages of the people in their films. What it’s like to be a brash young teenager just trying to figure things out or to be a grandfather, balancing the thoughts of mortality and answering whether they’ve lived a full life.

(Bits and pieces from a longer mind dump)