Steve's Spices of Life

i host events as an excuse to hang out with friends

For the past 20~ sundays, my friends and I have been co-hosting weekly coworking sessions on Sundays in Boston where people are invited to work on anything that is not work or school related. As a 23 year old living at home, this is my answer to the loneliness epidemic that people kept warning me about when I was in college:

  1. Hosting is a beautiful excuse to gather and see all your favorite people in one place.

After college, people get busy with work, commitments and travel. Hanging out with people 1:1 takes a lot of effort where you have to send a message, schedule a time, leave your house and the whole rigamarole. By hosting, I (selfishly) can put in some upfront work to set a time and place that works for me and then somply send messages en masse to my friends. The best part? They bring their friends and I get to make new homies :)

  1. People fucking crave consistency -- having co-hosts is a clutch way to make sure this consistency sticks.

I wish there was a way to upvote this lesson like in Slack. For the past 20ish Sundays, we've hosted these co-working sessions in largely the same place and time every week. It's beautiful, somewhere along the way, regulars will start coming and almost start acting as second hosts. When people know something happens consistently, they'll start blocking it off in their schedule, inviting friends and making it a part of their routine, I fucking love it.

  1. You really don't need to reinvent the wheel/over intellectualize things.

We follow the same format every week, I bring Munchkins, we do intros with a fun question, 2 hours~ deep work, we eat Munchkins and then we show each other what we worked on. Food and a purpose for meeting is all you really need to have a good event/hang.

If you're in Boston, please please please(shout out Sabrina Carpenter) hit me up to come to one of our co-working sessions, we all love meeting new friends :)