Steve's Spices of Life

Random thoughts on Git from a budding developer

It's early days in my developer journey, but Git/Github is really freaking cool. Like you're telling me that Git was created less than 20 years ago! I talk to any developer friends today and they all know what GitHub is.

It reminds me of that Steve Jobs quote about how everything in the world is made by people no smarter than you and me. It's a comforting feeling that something so widely used today was made only 20 years ago. The people who created distributed version control systems were brilliant, but to think that they lived in the same life time as me gives me a lot of confidence that I can be someone who creates amazing things as well.

It then took 4 years to create GitHub which feels like a long time if you think about how many people tried to make a company around Git, but feels short when you think about how long it takes to innovate on a pre existing product.