Steve's Spices of Life

What I'd do if someone magically gave me $50,000 + I couldn't make a business with it.

I think the world would benefit immensely from more people documenting and creating content that answers the age-old questions we’d ask at middle school lunch tables. Questions like: “If you didn’t have to work another day in your life, what would you do?”, “What would you do if you had one more year left to live?” and this current question I’m answering.

Here’s how I’d use the money. With the ultimate goal of making a Youtube video that captures the end-to-end process, I would use Twitter + Instagram Reels/TikTok to crowdsource ideas from the internet on how best to spend the money.

I’d gather the top, let's say 10 ideas based on highest amounts of likes/engagement + put it in a bracket that people can vote on. As a side note, this is assuming the best ideas aren’t out of pocket/harmful, but moving on, ideally I’d like to invite the person behind the top ideas to help make the project a reality + film the entire process.

I’ve only been out of college for a year, so I can’t speak for all of humanity, but I’ll say that my favorite adults are the ones who haven’t stopped answering those middle school lunch table questions about the future. So to answer why I’d choose to spend the $50,000 to make media content about answering this question, it’s simple and cliche, but I think people should think about these questions more.