Steve's Spices of Life

Your life is your greatest work of art.

Whatever you think your greatest work of art is, it isn't. Your life is your greatest work of art. There is nothing as unique as the life that you've chosen to live. I saw a quote the other day. It went something to the effect of,

"The act of creating is the greatest form of self acceptance."

Someone called me foolishly arrogant once. I think it was the greatest compliment I've ever been given. It's one degree removed by how I like to describe myself, as an irrational optimist.

I've decided to share more about my life, the good and the bad. I have this blind faith that most people actually do care to hear about the details of my life, especially the parts which I'm afraid to share.

The parts of my life which I'm afraid to share are probably the parts that other people are afraid to share too. I never thought about it like this before, but these are the emotions people are most likely able to relate to.

I went to the local soccer field I always played pickup at growing up and was pleasantly surprised that one of the kids I used to play with saw my most recent instagram post. That post was probably the most vulnerable I'd ever been about the uncertainty I feel about my life, centered mainly about where I'll live next. What took me by surprise was how much that post opened up our conversation in ways we never really talked before. Talking about life, purpose, dreams.

This is your sign to share more about your life. It's the greatest work of art you've made.